
Message of leadership

Green Message - Green Message Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the enterprises operating in the field of Water and Environment, established under the business registration certificate No. 0308959173 issued by Department of Planning and Investment. Ho Chi Minh City.

Green Message - Is the accumulation of inherited knowledge and technical expertise from universities at home and abroad, promoting and applying the experience from successful practice in each project. Each experience we have been carrying out is the crystallization of professionalism and enthusiasm, the desire to serve customers - the community - society honestly, subtly and scientifically.

Scope of activities

Construction and installation

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Construction and installation

Supply of equipment

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Supply of equipment

Technology design

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Technology design

Consulting services

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Consulting services

Operation - Maintenance

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Operation - Maintenance

Quality policy

With the mission of building the slogan: "Message of Life - Towards Sustainable Development".

GM - Always looking forward to providing our customers with policy consulting services, providing advanced technology solutions, improving project economic efficiency, project quality with the most reasonable and competitive cost to contribute. section Environmental protection - Community - Society practically.

GM - Commit to seriously execute consulting services fully, accurately and in compliance with the Government's regulations on environmental protection. At the same time, we are responsible for proposing solutions to limit, overcome and control the negative impact on the environment resulting from all business activities of the Enterprise, bringing economic benefits to the Society. contribute to protecting the Clean Environment. We regard our goals as our obligations, responsibilities and benefits to the surrounding community.


Address: 20G Phan Van Suu, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel: (84.028) 3814 3583

Fax: (84.028) 3814 3591


Hotline: 0903. 926. 077

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